Crispy new mixtape for you. Should help you ride out the remaining dog-days, get it right here (.ZIP file).
Seasonal Ingredients 005 :: Bronze Medal Grand Champion
1. the Mohawks // Champ Reggae
2. Gary Clark Jr. // Don't Owe You a Thang
3. The Shadows // Scotch on the Socks
4. Iggy Pop // The Passenger
5. the Ramones // Rockaway Beach
6. Dirty Projectors // Unto Caesar
7. Richard Swift // Lady Luck
8. Abner Jay // Depression
9. the Walkmen // the Old Revolution (Leanord Cohen)
10. Nick Waterhouse // Is That Clear?
11. Johnny + the Attractions // I'm Moving On
12. Sonny + the Sunsets // Pretend You Love Me
13. June Gardner // It's Gonna Rain
14. Surfer Blood // Drinking Problem
15. Françoise Hardy // Le Temps de l'Amour
16. Dr. Dog // Turning the Century
17. Mouse // A Public Execution (Bob Dylan)
18. Eels // Love of the Loveless