MPMF.11 :: Poster Expo & Cut Copy Photos
MPMF.11 proper got down in Cincinnati over the past weekend and, while I didn't get to see as much music as I normally would, I was honored to participate in the first Midpoint Midway. The midway was a series of art installations built into standard box-trucks. Lots of interesting and talented folks like Able, Losantiville and Soapbox were in on the action as well. I participated, as a member of Libre, in the Poster Expo which was currated by the creative team at Powerhouse Factories. Ourselves, Powerhouse, Southpaw, Keith Neltner and Rob Warnick all pitched in to build rock poster galleries in the back of our two trucks, and slung some special posters on the premesis.
If you didn't make it down to the Expo, you can purchase most of the stuff we had available at our shop.
You can see photos from the Expo, my Cut Copy Print, and a video I put together that was projected on the wall at the Expo. I also got some good shots of Cut Copy's amazing performance at Grammer's.