Year 5 of Gameday Posters launches today, with Bowling Green up first.
Columbus Crew SC is proud to be an MLS original. We're the first club in Major League Soccer, one of the original 10. This year, we're celebrating our 21st season with a special poster series.
"Matchday Originals" highlights Crew SC's 2016 matches against teams that have been there from the beginning.
Walt Keys, Creative Director at Land-Grant Brewing Company, is the creative force behind the poster series. We have a feeling you're gonna love his work.
If you want to get your hands on one of these limited-edition posters, head to Land-Grant the week of each "Matchday Originals" clash. But hurry. Only 96 copies of each poster will be screen printed by hand and sold for $15 a piece. The proceeds will benefit the Crew SC Foundation.
So, without further ado, meet the "Matchday Originals."
Pretty pleased with the way these Hatch Show Print inspired posters for the First Annual 4th of July BBQ at Tom Colicchio's Riverpark. If you're in New York for the holiday, I recommend checking it out.
Time to sit back and revel in the glory that is 12-0. Printable version at 11W.
Wanted to keep things clean and classy for The Game. Grab the high res from 11W, and stay tuned for a 12-0 poster...
Zac Boren said it best when he compared OSU/Wisco matchups to heavyweight fights. Here's hoping the Buckeyes get to 11-0, I'll be headed up to Madison, camera in tow. Get the printable version at 11W.
Illinois comes to town this week, and looks to seize the Illibuck trophy back from Columbus, it has other ideas. Get the printable version at 11W.
Here's the weekly poster for the 8-0 Buckeyes. Bit of Wes Anderson/Royal Tenenbaums influence going on here. As always, download the printable version from 11W.
Brutus is at it again, this time getting his bandit on and sticking up the Mustache Express on its way to Columbus. Get a free printable version over at 11W.
Buckeyes open up Big Ten play this weekend. Dug this one out of the archives to celebrate. Brutus looked pretty weird back in the day.
Poster #3 for the 2012 season. Get the printable version here.
Get ready for Game Two with the Golden Knights. Be sure to grab a printable version from 11W.
I think I need to stop watching Game of Thrones.
Set of screen-printed posters for the Jon Langford show at MOTR Pub on June 1 as well as his art show at the Clay Street Press in OTR. The awesome dudes at Southpaw were kind enough to handle the printing duties for these. A limited run of 25 prints each were available at MOTR and CSP.
Grandman favorites, and Ohio indie rock heroes the Ridges reached out to collaborate on a very cool promotion for Record Store Day. 50 of these LP-sized beauties (printed by the fine folks at Southpaw in OTR) have been scattered throughout record stores in the region. Along with the poster, you get a unique link to download a special live recording of the bands' "Insomniac's Song" performed with a massive chorus comprised of various Cincinnati-indie-scene mainstays. Get one while you can.
The mighty Buckeyes are playing in the Final 4 this weekend along with some other teams. To celebrate, I put together this poster chronicling the tournament up to this point. You can grab a high-res (vector) printable PDF version of the poster by clicking here. If things go well (KNOCK ON WOOD), there will be an updated version next week. Go Bucks!
MPMF.11 proper got down in Cincinnati over the past weekend and, while I didn't get to see as much music as I normally would, I was honored to participate in the first Midpoint Midway. The midway was a series of art installations built into standard box-trucks. Lots of interesting and talented folks like Able, Losantiville and Soapbox were in on the action as well. I participated, as a member of Libre, in the Poster Expo which was currated by the creative team at Powerhouse Factories. Ourselves, Powerhouse, Southpaw, Keith Neltner and Rob Warnick all pitched in to build rock poster galleries in the back of our two trucks, and slung some special posters on the premesis.
If you didn't make it down to the Expo, you can purchase most of the stuff we had available at our shop.
You can see photos from the Expo, my Cut Copy Print, and a video I put together that was projected on the wall at the Expo. I also got some good shots of Cut Copy's amazing performance at Grammer's.

As we continue to settle in to the new Libre spot on Main St, we're not letting a silly thing like unpacking get in the way of our productivity. We've knocked out three sharp posters over the past week, which you have no doubt noticed above. The Smith Westerns poster is currently hanging proudly at MOTR anticipating the sure to bonkers show on Saturday. The Javelin and MPMF Indie Summer prints were finished off last night, and will make their debut on the square tonight (Friday 6/3 for the You, You're Awesome (CD Release!) & Javelin show.
Tonight's festivities kick-off the summer long MPMF Indie Summer Series which bring high quality rock & roll to Fountain Square every Friday night. Libre plans on having a strong presence on the Square, with a new print each week, with a smattering of t-shirts and other hand-printed goods for your consumption.
As reward for getting yourself down to the Square and supporting the excellent MPMF.11 we'll be selling posters at a discounted price than you'll find at our shop (launching next week). See you on the square (and at MOTR).
Eat Local for the Globe poster contest. Posters were limited to one color and simply needed to express the theme of "Eat Local." I did not win, but was pleased with the results, so I thought I'd share. Maybe we'll do a run of something similar at Libre, we shall see. Congrats to the winners!
Poster design for The Ridges' May 21 show in Athens, Ohio. This is the second poster I've designed for The Ridges (you can see the first one here), the band's ephemeral romance aesthetic is always a pleasure to work with.