Poster commissioned to commemorate a fan's pre-game engagement back in 2012.
Was hoping to do one more, oh well.
Year 5 of Gameday Posters launches today, with Bowling Green up first.
Very exciting day here in Ohio, as we've launched the new responsive version of I am very proud to have worked with the very talented Lindha on the front-end design portion of the project, and am amazed by the development talents of 11W's leader, Jason Priestas, and the CSS wizardry of Brian Toombs. This site is a monster, and we're very proud of it, so go poke around.
Welp, the season didn't quite end on a high note, but I had a great time covering the Buckeyes for Eleven Warriors in 2013 and early 2014. I'll leave you with one last shot of El Guapo and we'll give the zoom lens a rest until the spring game in April.
I've been sitting on this for a little while, but now that it's starting to roll-out, I'm excited to share it with the world. Working with the gang at Eleven Warriors —leading up to the launch of 11W 2.0 (soon)— we've refreshed the site's brand to better reflect the spirit and ethic of the organization. The seal logo here includes the site's new latin motto, "Aesculus Excellantiam," which translates to "Buckeye Excellence." Lot's more to come from the 11W front in the coming weeks.
Urban Meyer, in his first trip to Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor.
View the full set from Ohio State vs. Illinois right here.
I was lucky enough to attend the Buckeye's first practice of the year on Eleven Warriors' behalf. And got this shot of freshman linebacker Mike Mitchell, Fall can't come fast enough.
Time to sit back and revel in the glory that is 12-0. Printable version at 11W.
Wanted to keep things clean and classy for The Game. Grab the high res from 11W, and stay tuned for a 12-0 poster...

Photos I shot on behalf of of OSU's overtime win over the Badgers in Madison. These are just a few of my favorites. See the rest over at 11W.
Zac Boren said it best when he compared OSU/Wisco matchups to heavyweight fights. Here's hoping the Buckeyes get to 11-0, I'll be headed up to Madison, camera in tow. Get the printable version at 11W.
Illinois comes to town this week, and looks to seize the Illibuck trophy back from Columbus, it has other ideas. Get the printable version at 11W.
Here's the weekly poster for the 8-0 Buckeyes. Bit of Wes Anderson/Royal Tenenbaums influence going on here. As always, download the printable version from 11W.
Brutus is at it again, this time getting his bandit on and sticking up the Mustache Express on its way to Columbus. Get a free printable version over at 11W.

Photos above, and timelapse below, of OSU squeaker against Indiana in Bloomington. Even more photos are viewable at the 11W's Flickr Page.
Buckeyes open up Big Ten play this weekend. Dug this one out of the archives to celebrate. Brutus looked pretty weird back in the day.
Poster #3 for the 2012 season. Get the printable version here.
Get ready for Game Two with the Golden Knights. Be sure to grab a printable version from 11W.
I think I need to stop watching Game of Thrones.