Posts in Design
New Work :: Commonwealth Kentucky Bistro


Commonwealth Kentucky Bistro is the brainchild of Chef Chris Burns and his wife, Tess. Coming soon to the Mainstrasse district of Covington, Kentucky:

Our goal is to create experiences that support the common wealth of the community through love for food. It is a place where food is locally-sourced and inspired by our region’s past, prepared with passion and creativity, and served with Kentucky hospitality. It is a place to share stories and a meal. It is, in short, the perfect neighborhood eatery.

In planning their eatery, Chris and Tess reached out to me to develop Commonwealth's brand and visual language. I designed a logo and ID for the restaurant, contributed photography and designed and developed a new responsive website that is built to grow with the restaurant as opening night approaches. 

New Work :: Django Western Taco
​Django Western Taco Website Responsive

I'm a huge fan of tacos, braised meat, guacamole and pretty much everything else that comes along with Mexican inspired food. So when Django Western Taco asked me to design and build their website, it was a no-brainer. Then when they had me come in and photograph (and sample) their killer Tex-Mex, it only sweetened (spiced?) the deal. 

​We developed a simple one-page responsive site that puts the imagery and info up front. Next time you're in Northside, I highly recommend the Sheriff's Stone Bowl.

​Django Western Taco Food Photography
Announcing :: Land-Grant Brewing Company

Big changes on the brewery front as Oval Brewing Co is now the Land-Grant Brewing Company. With the new name, obviously, comes a new graphic system. I've overhauled the logo and complimentary​ marks, and given the brewery an adaptable brand that still speaks to our core golden-era collegiate aesthetic.

You can read the full brand statement over at the website: Look for a fully updated web experience soon.​

​In case you were wondering, the name-change came about as a result of a conflicting trademark with an international vodka distiller. 

Brew, DesignWalt KeysComment
Logo :: Lovestruck State Cookies

This here is a logo I recently made for Lovestruck State Cookies, the concept is tasty home-made cookies in the shape of your favorite state, with a little heart stamped in the location of the town of your choice. They should be launching this summer.

Poster :: The Ridges :: Record Store Day

The Ridges RSDGrandman favorites, and Ohio indie rock heroes the Ridges reached out to collaborate on a very cool promotion for Record Store Day. 50 of these LP-sized beauties (printed by the fine folks at Southpaw in OTR) have been scattered throughout record stores in the region. Along with the poster, you get a unique link to download a special live recording of the bands' "Insomniac's Song" performed with a massive chorus comprised of various Cincinnati-indie-scene mainstays. Get one while you can.

Poster :: Final 4

Final 4

The mighty Buckeyes are playing in the Final 4 this weekend along with some other teams. To celebrate, I put together this poster chronicling the tournament up to this point. You can grab a high-res (vector) printable PDF version of the poster by clicking here. If things go well (KNOCK ON WOOD), there will be an updated version next week. Go Bucks!

Posters :: the Fire Bollman Movement

Fire Bollman

The offensive coordinator is a fraud, the athletic director is an embarrassment and the sidelines are getting Bauserbombed at an alarming rate. Join the movement.

This is the first unofficial poster for the 2011 season, you can download and print a higher-res version by clicking here. Below is another version I put together that I don't like as much as the above, but thought it worth sharing, you can grab a higher-res version of that one here.

A poster for the Wisco game is coming soon and will be available to purchase online as well as at Eleven Warrior's Eat Too Brutus 2011.

OSU, Sports, Designwalt Comments
MPMF.11 :: Poster Expo & Cut Copy Photos

Libre booth MPMF.11 proper got down in Cincinnati over the past weekend and, while I didn't get to see as much music as I normally would, I was honored to participate in the first Midpoint Midway. The midway was a series of art installations built into standard box-trucks. Lots of interesting and talented folks like Able, Losantiville and Soapbox were in on the action as well. I participated, as a member of Libre, in the Poster Expo which was currated by the creative team at Powerhouse Factories. Ourselves, Powerhouse, Southpaw, Keith Neltner and Rob Warnick all pitched in to build rock poster galleries in the back of our two trucks, and slung some special posters on the premesis.

If you didn't make it down to the Expo, you can purchase most of the stuff we had available at our shop.

You can see photos from the Expo, my Cut Copy Print, and a video I put together that was projected on the wall at the Expo. I also got some good shots of Cut Copy's amazing performance at Grammer's.

Libre boxtruck gallery

Libre boxtruck gallery

Libre shirts


YES Gallery


Powerhouse/Southpaw Prints

Cut Copy Print


Powerhouse/Southpaw Prints

Powerhouse/Southpaw Prints

Powerhouse/Southpaw Prints

Powerhouse/Southpaw Prints

Powerhouse/Southpaw Prints

Powerhouse/Southpaw Prints

Powerhouse/Southpaw Prints

Powerhouse/Southpaw Prints

Design :: Twin Peaks Map

Twin Peaks Map My lil' sis, her boyfriend, Feyonce Knowles and I have been spending Thursday nights this summer watching David Lynch's whacked-out early 90's series "Twin Peaks." For my sister's 23rd b-day, I designed this map highlighting all the must see spots in the fictional town. I took inspiration from Lynch's original map as well as from some choice screenshots. Locations are speculative, but I used this site for those speculations.

See the full size map here.

Designwalt Comments